Shipping (EN)

We can currently ship directly by courier within Italy, to the EU, and USA/Canada for between 20 and 65 Euros including insurance. When you purchase Jewellery from us, at checkout, the relevant approximate shipping rate will display based on the country or destination.

When your order is received, we will email you our bank details for Money Orders and Bank Transfers and the total including the exact shipping costs to your address.

Please note published prices do not include possible taxes and/or duties applicable in the country of destination when this is different from Italy and the EU. These costs vary from country to country, they are charged to the Customer/importer who is responsible to verify the amount with the competent customs authorities.

Consegne (IT)

Contact information:

If you would like to contact us to understand more about this Policy or wish to contact us concerning any matter relating to purchasing jewellery from us please email us at: stevegsaliba@y.